Summer Reading Program 2024

Program Overview
We are so excited you will be joining us this summer! We have lots of activities planned and prizes to give away. If you are a returning participant, we will still be using ReadSquared to log your reading and complete missions to earn points and most aspects of the program will be similar to recent years.
If you are new to the Summer Reading Program at KPL, rather than traditional paper reading logs, we use the website/app ReadSquared to track reading. Some of the benefits of ReadSquared include the following:
No paper reading log to keep up with.
Parents can log reading for multiple family members at once and access all family members easily to view their progress.
Reading can be logged in different ways to suit unique reading styles and life circumstances. Choose each time you log whether to record minutes, pages, or books read.
You are automatically entered into prize drawings as you log your reading or complete activities.
Completing missions allows you to earn points towards prize drawings or program completion. Missions include a few at home activities, as well as attending events or participating in passive programming at the library.
Unlock and play games, keep track of upcoming events, and more.
This year we will also be competing against Aubrey and Sanger Libraries in the NTLC Reading Challenge. To participate in this goal-based weekly competition look the for NTLC Reading Challenges in Missions.
Prizes: All Pre-K and Kids program participants will earn a token for our vending machine each time they receive a new badge in ReadSquared (every 100 points). With the token, the child will receive a capsule prize. If the capsule contains a colored paper, the child can choose a prize from the prize box (This will replace the weekly prize drawings done in previous years).
Throughout the summer we will have scheduled programs as well as drop in activities available. Stop by the library often and check our calendars to join the fun!
Weekly Schedule
Drop-in Steam
Tuesdays 11 AM-2 PM
A come-and-go event to give kids of all ages a chance to do an independent craft or Science activity. All supplies and instructions will be provided in the KPL meeting room.
TNT Time
Fridays 1-2PM
Tweens and Teens (ages 10+) join us on Fridays for a fun hour made just for you. Programs include 3-D Printing, Surviving a Zombie Attack, Minifig Painting, Stop-motion animation, scavenger hunt, board games and more. We do ask that this program be limited to tweens and teens to give this great age group a space of their own.
Children's Hour
Wednesdays 10-11 AM
Join Mrs. Katie each week for stories, songs, movement, and crafts. Children's Hour is geared for younger children, but all are welcome.
Senior Moments
Thursdays 10:30-11:30
Starting June 27
Senior Moments is a weekly program for Senior Adults led by Cynthia. It is a time to learn from special guest presenters, do crafts, share stories, or play games, as well as socialize together.
Evenings at the Library
Thursdays in July
Expand your horizons with Evenings at the Library. Learn about situational awareness or how to do needle felting or join us for a Christmas in July crafting night.
Library Book Project
Available Anytime
This year we will be creating a community book. We will have weekly themes (similar to last year's quilt project) for you to express your creativity through crafts and storytelling. In the fall, we will compile a book that will be published and available for order to benefit the Friends of the Library. Look for the Book Project workspace near the copier.
Special Performers and Projects
All About Water
Thursday, June 6 at 11 AM
City of Krum Public Works Department will have a special program for kids and families.
Inspiration Station: All About Animals
Thursday, June 27 4-6 PM
Bring the family to the come-and-go interactive animal experience. There will be aquariums filled with small animals and rare biofacts such as porcupine quills, elephant tusks, etc. A caretaker will also display other animals during the event.
Pirates: History vs Hollywood
Thursday, June 13 11 AM
Cap'n Zeph will teach us about the reality of piracy and how it differs from popular conceptions
Dragon's Library Sleepover and Storytimes
June 28-29
Kids can join Mrs. Katie for a pajama storytime at 6:30 on Friday. Then your stuffed animal can have a sleepover with the Library Dragon. On Saturday, pick up your stuffed friend and join Mr. Jesse for a special Saturday Storytime at 10:30.
Yoga for Kids
Thursday, June 20 11 AM
Mrs. Katie will lead kids in simple yoga exercises.
Evenings at the Library
Thursdays in July
Expand your horizons with Evenings at the Library. Learn about situational awareness or how to do needle felting or join us for a Christmas in July crafting night.
Download the June 2024 Calendar or the July 2024 Calendar for details.