November is a time to give thanks to everyone and everything we are grateful for. Whether that be your parents, your friends, your dog, we all want to show thanks for those that have been by our side. However, there’s one group of people who really deserve our thanks, and that is our military veterans. These courageous men and women braved the battlefield, skies, and seas during times of conflict. Veterans Day is tomorrow and we here at the Krum Public Library recognize and admire those who have served our country.
Originally called Armistice Day, the celebration of our country’s veterans was first proclaimed by President Woodrow Wilson. In his first commemoration of Armistice Day. President Wilson said, “To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations…” In 1938 a law was officially passed declaring November 11th of each year Armistice Day, a day to honor veterans of World War I. The more inclusive term––Veterans Day came about in 1947 in Birmingham, Alabama. World War II vet, Raymond Meeks organized a “National Veterans Day” parade, to honor all veterans, not just those in WWI. After World War II congress amended the bill from 1938 and replaced “Armistice” with “Veterans”. This made sure that veterans of all wars, past and future, were included in the memorialization and observance of Veterans Day.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Start making a list of all the things you’re thankful for because before you know it, it will be Thanksgiving Day! I am most grateful for my co-workers and my friends. If any of my readers have had a family member serve in the armed forces I wish you a very happy Veterans Day. See you next week.
Library Events 11/10-11/17:
Friday November 10th – Friday Free Play! Preschoolers and their adults are invited to come to the library for a free play time every Friday 11 AM to Noon.
Saturday November 11th – From 10:30-1:30 get into the festive mood with a Holiday family photo here at the library! The photo session and one print cost $5 with each additional print costing $1. This event is limited to reservations only, make sure to call or come by the library to reserve your timeslot. All proceeds go to the Krum Friends of the Library.
Tuesday November 14th – At the homeschool meetup learn the history of book making and make your own book from our guest presenter, a UNT English professor. Homeschool meetup meets every second Tuesday of the month from 1-2
Wednesday November 15th – Children’s Hour with Ms. Katie! Bring the little ones for story time with Ms. Katie. Stories, songs, activities, and crafts are all part of the fun. Children’s Hour starts at 10:00 AM and occurs every Wednesday of each month (excluding January and August).
Friday November 17th – Friday Free Play! Preschoolers and their adults are invited to come to the library for a free play time every Friday 11 AM to Noon.