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Check It Out January 2024 Newsletter


Updated: Jan 12, 2024

Director's Corner

What do librarians do during Christmas break?  They clean house, of course, which means we will have lots of books ready for the book sale in January!  The Krum Friends of the Library will be selling the books. All funds go to them, and they very generously help the library with things such as Summer Reading Prizes and Harry Potter Yule Balls!  Be sure to put the dates on your calendar and bring your wallet!

Did You Know?

January 2 is National Science Fiction Day. One of the earliest works of science fiction is Somnium written by Johannes Kepler and published by his son in 1634. The 1800s brought us science fiction authors Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, and Mary Shelley. Considered the first  sci-fi film, A Trip to the Moon by  George Melies was released in 1902. The term “sci-fi” was first coined in 1954.

Remember When?

(A look back at important events in literary history—author birthdays, book/character debuts, and dates in books)

1/19/1809 Birth of poet and author Edgar Allan Poe

1/10/1951 Death of author and Nobel Prize winner Sinclair Lewis

Staff Pick - Guest Review

KPL Patron Matt recommends Summer of Night by Dan Simmons.  Matt was reading this book when he and his family moved out of state this summer. He says, “I was just about halfway through it when the move came around. Rather than do the responsible thing and return the book and look for another copy elsewhere, I kept it so that I could finish reading. I am proud to say that, little by little, I did finish the book!” He recommends the book to “anyone who likes a bit of horror! It reminded me of Stranger Things and Stephen King.” So if you are looking for a book worth keeping through a move and mailing back after you’ve finished it, check this one out!

Library Events

  • Krum Friends of the Library Book Sale January 4th - 6th in the meeting room during Library Open Hours

  • Krum Community Clothing Swap - Clothing can be donated anytime during library open hours January 9-12. Community members may "shop" the swap Saturday, January 13 11 AM - 1 PM.

  • No Children's Hour this month. It will resume at 10 AM on Wednesday, February 7.

  • Friday Free Play - Preschoolers and their adults are invited to come to the library for a come-and-go free play hour at 11 AM to Noon January 19th and 26th.

  • Homeschool Meetup - Tuesday, January 9 at 1:00 PM We will be learning how to make tarn and doing a small weaving project.

  • Book Club meets Thursday, January 11 at 6:30 PM. Join Katrina for a discussion of The Girl Who Wrote in Silk by Kelli Estes. Book Club meets the 2nd Thursday of each month. The 2024 Book Club Calendar can be found here.

  • (POSTPONED until February 19) After Hours at the Library Teen Lock-in - Attention 6th - 12th graders! Have you ever wanted to see the library after hours? If so, come join the fun on your school holiday, Monday January 15th. We will have pizza and snacks, play games in "the stacks", and have a trivia contest. This lock-in for teens will be from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM and will be led by Mrs. Joy and Mr. Jesse.

  • The Library will be closed Saturday, January 20th for inventory.

Krum Friends of the Library Update

Stop by the meeting room during library open hours Thursday—Saturday to shop our Book Sale. Bargain prices and fill-a-bag discounts on all items. Lots of children’s books, as well as adult titles, will be available.


We are seeking vendors and sponsors for our Spring Festival fundraising event to be held at 50 West on Saturday, March 23.  Contact the library or Stacey Luthy ( for more information or to apply.

Coming in February 2024

Children's Hour resumes February 7.

New drop-in program: Sewing Basics and trouble-shooting. If you have questions about a sewing project or need help learning to use your sewing machine, Joy will be available to help for a few hours twice a month.



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